Welcome to the 4th ANNIVERSARY SHOW of the podcast!
I started this podcast on March 10, 2021 during the depths of the pandemic, when musicians like me could neither rehearse nor perform. I needed something creative to do and someone suggested that I start a podcast. But I had no idea what a podcast was; I had never even listened to one. The more I thought about it, though, the more I became convinced that you could get a much deeper level of engagement from a podcast than from ordinary social media. So I decided to take a shot. I had no audience and no guests. But I had a goal - to encourage and motivate people to follow their dream, just as I followed my youthful music dream later in life.
Here we are 4 years later and the podcast has succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. I’ve aired over 450 episodes. We’re approaching 3 million downloads. The podcast is ranked in the Top 1% (actually .1%) with listeners worldwide on every continent in 200 countries. I’ve met and conversed with the most amazing and talented guests.
And the icing on the cake for me has been the musical collaborations I’ve done with a number of my World Class guests.
This 4th Anniversary episode provides an overview of some of the amazing guests from the past year. They include Mega-Stars; 1960s Rocks Idols; Summits with Saxophone, Bass and Drum Stars; Bluegrass and Country Stars; Classical Music Stars; Pop Music stars; and Guitar stars.
As usual, I want to thank you for listening to the podcast, and to my music, and for making this podcast a part of your life. Keep on Rockin!
The Follow Your Dream Podcast:
Top 1% of all podcasts with Listeners in 200 countries!
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“Dream With Robert”. Click here.
“LOVELY GIRLIE” is Robert’s latest single. It’s a fun, Old School, rock/pop tune with 3-part harmony. It’s been called “Supremely excellent!”, “Another Homerun for Robert!”, and “Love that Lovely Girlie!”
Click HERE for All Links
“THE RICH ONES ALL STARS” is Robert’s single featuring the following 8 World Class musicians: Billy Cobham (Drums), Randy Brecker (Flugelhorn), John Helliwell (Sax), Pat Coil (Piano), Peter Tiehuis (Guitar), Antonio Farao (Keys), Elliott Randall (Guitar) and David Amram (Pennywhistle).
Click HERE for the Official Video
Click HERE for All Links
“SOSTICE” is Robert’s single with a rockin’ Old School vibe. Called “Stunning!”, “A Gem!”, “Magnificent!” and “5 Stars!”.
Click HERE for all links.
“THE GIFT” is Robert’s ballad arranged by Grammy winning arranger Michael Abene and turned into a horn-driven Samba. Praised by David Amram, John Helliwell, Joe La Barbera, Tony Carey, Fay Claassen, Antonio Farao, Danny Gottlieb and Leslie Mandoki.
Click HERE for all links.
“LOU’S BLUES”. Robert’s Jazz Fusion “Tone Poem”. Called “Fantastic! Great playing and production!” (Mark Egan - Pat Metheny Group/Elements) and “Digging it!” (Peter Erskine - Weather Report)!
Click HERE for all links.
Audio production:
Jimmy Ravenscroft
Kymera Films
Connect with the Follow Your Dream Podcast:
Website - www.followyourdreampodcast.com
Email Robert - robert@followyourdreampodcast.com
Follow Robert’s band, Project Grand Slam, and his music:
Website - www.projectgrandslam.com
Spotify Music
Apple Music
Email - pgs@projectgrandslam.com